Yurko Danyliw – biography


Yurko Danyliw obtained his bachelor’s degree in Biology at La Salle College and afterward his M.S. degree in Molecular Biology at Villanova University. He was employed for years as a research associate in several medical laboratories. Subsequently, he headed an environmental investigative unit at the Attorney Generals office. For many years was the Regional Manager of the State Superfund Program in the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources.

     After leaving government service, Yurko worked as a regulatory consultant and later in the financial sector at the Ukrainian Self Reliance Federal Credit Union, firstly as a loan manager and in time as head of the auditing committee and later as a member of the Board of Directors.

He is an active member of the Ukrainian community as a member of the Ukrainian Educational and Cultural Center Library Board, audit chair of Ukrainian Federation, member of the audit committee at the Ukrainian Center and Seniors Organization. Has for many years been involved with the Ukrainian Scouting Organization ‘Plast’ in various roles, as a counselor, stanychnyy, and chair of their local and regional auditing group (Rada). For many years was one of the organizers and head administrator of the regional ski camps. He also has been involved for multiple years as co-organizer and co-worker of the premier training camp for scout counselors «Lisova Shkola».

    Yurko generously donated countless hours in helping organize and launch “Project Resilience,” a preservation and digitization endeavor of private archives at Manor College and he has for some time been a contributor to the St. Sophia lecture circuit on topics associated with the history of Ukrainian Churches in PA. Under the auspices of the Senior’s Club, has conducted many bus tours to visit the Pennsylvania coal mine region churches so important to the history of the Ukrainian diaspora in the United States.