Visit to Ukrainian School and Basilian Sisters in Philadelphia

His Beatitude Sviatoslav visited graduates
from the Ukrainian school
and sisters of St. Basil in USA

On Friday May 10, 2019 Father and Head of the UGCC His Beatitude Sviatoslav met with graduates of our Ukrainian school and paid a visit to the General Province of sisters of St. Basil in the USA. His Beatitude wondered about their lives and activity in the USA and told about the actual situation in Ukraine and the Church.

Head of the UGCC was accompanied by Bishop Andriy Rabiy, Apostolic administrator of Philadelphia Archeparchy, Fr. Andriy Maksymovych, administrator of the Patriarchal Curia of UGCC and Fr. Volodymyr Malchyn, Head of the Department of charitable projects of the Patriarchal Curia.

Before entering a school, the graduates traditionally greeted the honorable guests with bread and salt. Having taken a picture together, they had an opportunity for an informal conversation, while what His Beatitude Sviatoslav asked students about their experience of studying at school and their plans for the future.

The guests brought up a topic concerning a war in Ukraine. “War wounds not a body only but a soul too”, says the major Archbishop of the UGCC. – Our defenders are going through some difficulties and that is why they are not ready to consult psychologists. Hence, priests can help them, mainly by being that kind of an ambulance”.

His Beatitude Sviatoslav also mentioned about a program set by the UGCC that helps mothers of deceased militaries and told about the hardships of wives who have lost their husbands in the war.

At the end of the meeting students received a present, a book “Dialogue Heals Wounds” bought for them by community “Saint Sophia” and a parent committee.

Later Head of the Church visited  the General Province of sisters of St. Basil in the USA. Here sisters together with their superior met the guests and invited them for a festive dinner.

“I thank you for your hospitality, unity and ability to feel the presence of the living God in here. Thank you for prayers and ask you to pray on for Ukraine and Ukrainians”, addressed the sisters His Beatitude Sviatoslav.

The UGCC Department for Information